Discerning Parenting

057 - Renew Your Heart for a Fresh Start: Embracing HeartHealing®

Victoria Ang-Nolasco, MD Episode 57

Did you know that 66% of moms confess that parenthood is more challenging than they initially anticipated?

As a parent, you're no stranger to the ceaseless juggle of caring for your children, balancing work commitments, tending to household chores, and tackling the never-ending to-do list. It's a constant struggle to carve out time for yourself amidst the demands of everyday life.

If you've found yourself trapped in a cycle of perpetual giving, experiencing burnout, grappling with unexplained sadness, overwhelming exhaustion, or wrestling with feelings of anger and frustration, you're not alone.

Join us in this episode as we explore a powerful method that can revolutionize your approach to parenting and provide you with the tools to address these challenges head-on. Discover practical strategies to break free from the pressures of unrealistic expectations and learn how to prioritize self-care, creating a more fulfilling and balanced life for both you and your family. It's time to reclaim your well-being and redefine your parenting journey.

❤️ Find wholeness for yourself, so you can show up better for your family. Come on a HeartHealing® journey to heal the self-doubt, negativity, and worry that’s been holding you back from full parenting success.

⭐ Get our book The Discerning Parent's Guide to Toddler Behavior: From Power Struggles to Connection is now on Amazon. Click here to learn more about Dr. Victoria Nolasco's books.

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⭐ Go from yelling, tears, and frustration to peace and positivity. Join the Discerning Parent's Club - your safe space to get the personalized support you need.

The Discerning Parenting Podcast is a free informational resource for parents. As a valued listener, you acknowledge that any information you get from this podcast is for your general guidance only, and ​​must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor, therapist, or other qualified medical professionals who know your child specifically. Read our full disclaimer policy here.

 Sixty six percent of moms say being a parent is harder than they expected. This is a statistic from the Pew Research Center. You've likely experienced the endless cycle of caring for your kids, managing work responsibilities, household chores, and everything else on your to do list. It often feels like there's no time left for yourself.

If you find yourself constantly giving and feeling burnt out,  fighting unexplained sadness, exhaustion, experiencing anger or frustration, or disappointed that your parenting reality doesn't match your expectations. In this episode, I'll be talking about a powerful method that can help you. 

  Are there days you feel you've had it with the sleepless nights, the temper tantrums, the constant fatigue of trying to keep up with an active baby? Does it feel like you're always working so hard as a parent, trying to do everything for your kids and family, and yet it never feels enough? We get it. You love your child more than anything, and yet parenting is also exhausting and challenging.

Especially when you're bombarded with criticism and pressure to be the perfect parent. Which, spoiler alert, does not exist. That's why we created Discerning Parenting, the podcast that helps you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters in your parenting journey. This podcast is jam packed with valuable insights and practical tips specifically tailored for parents of kids age 5 and below.

So join us and discover how you can use the combined power of science, knowing your child, and your own intuition in making the best parenting decisions for you and your family.  

Today we have something truly special to share with you. Where I am in the world, we are only a few days away from the Lunar New Year, a time of fresh beginnings and renewal. As a parent, you know how rewarding and also challenging the journey of raising children can be. I'm guessing as a mom, You often put yourself last after the kids are taken care of, after the work to dos are done, after the household chores, and dinner, and even pets, and planning, and prep, and your partner's requests, and maybe even the requests of the rest of your family, the list goes on, and often,  There's a lot of unfulfilled expectations surrounding parenting because there were all of these ideas that society, maybe even social media, has placed on our head on what parenting is supposed to be like.

It's supposed to be blissful. We're supposed to be happy.  And if we're not, then there's something wrong with us. But the thing is, as parents, we simply can't do a great job of giving our time and patience and energy if we don't have any left to give. We need to take some time to refill our cup.  And as we always say, doing this, refilling our cup and taking the time to recharge is not selfish.

Kids need emotionally resilient parents so that they can become good at being resilient themselves.  And that's why I want to tell you about something that can be at your gift to yourself as we face a fresh start.  This is a meditative journey of healing your heart, which can transform your happiness and make you the kind of parent that you've always want to be.

This is something that I have gone through myself and other clients have gone through. And We have the wonderful results and transformation to share.  If you want to find out more about my personal journey with this, head over to the previous episode. So, maybe you're tired of constantly giving and feeling burnt out, or you're fighting sadness and you can't face your, you can't place your finger on why. 

Or you're often feeling anger or frustration when things don't go according to plan.  Or disappointed that your parenting reality  may not live up. to the expectations that you had, so you're not feeling enough. You're always feeling that you're working so hard and yet it seems to never be enough or you may be constantly second guessing yourself. 

Then this can help you. It can help you restore your faith in yourself and your own parenting abilities, retain energy, peace, and love, so you have more to share with your family.  Can help you stay grounded. It can help you stay believing in yourself as well as feeling calm and enough when the chaos happens in parenting and when things don't go well.

It can help you strengthen your relationship with yourself, your kids, and your partner for the long term.  And this healing modality is called heart healing.  It's a deep, integrative, subconscious approach to improving wellness, and this combines spiritual, energetic, and scientific principles. It encourages profound shifts in your feelings of enoughness and self sabotage.

And it's been shown to help heal from things like trauma. I just want to share with you something that one of my heart healing clients shared. Now, she's also a mental health professional,  and as a mental health professional, she saw the value in heart healing. She says, yesterday's session gave me a gift, and that word is hope. 

She said that this is a portal to joy. And she called it  beautiful work and she feels grateful for it. So thank you, Dr. Julie, for sharing your feedback on heart healing. Her words echo the transformation that heart healing can bring into your life, providing hope, joy, and renewed energy. It's a way to strengthen your relationship with yourself, your children, your spouse, and other loved ones for the long term. 

It can help you set boundaries where you need to. And find confidence so that you can stand up for what you truly believe in, whether it's in parenting or in other aspects of your life.  And in the previous episode of the Discerning Parenting podcast, I also shared my own journey and feedback from two other moms who have also gone through heart healing. 

Now, as we approach the Lunar New Year, it's a wonderful time to reflect on the idea of fresh starts.  Heart healing can be your gift to yourself, your fresh start in parenting and in life. And the wonderful thing about this gift is that it has a ripple effect, not just on you, but on your loved ones. the others around you.

And if you look at the evidence for how it can remodel DNA, how modalities like these can affect your DNA, this is also a gift that you can give to your entire clan for future generations. It's about rekindling the light within you. Bringing hope and new opportunities. Now, whether or not you're celebrating the Lunar New Year, where you are, or you may be listening to this episode months from now, regardless of when you're tuning in or where you're coming from, know that every moment is a chance for renewal and transformation.

 📍 Head over to discerningparenting. com slash heart healing to find out more. Again, that's discerningparenting. com slash heart healing. We'll also link to this in the show notes. Here's to a wonderful start, a wonderful lunar new year and hope and new opportunities.